
Girasole Appraisal Company

Real Estate appraisers and consultants


Located in Upstate New York, we are available for all your real estate appraisal and consulting needs.


Sarah M. Girasole, President

office - 716-282-5068  

cell - 716-476-0045


Real estate appraisals, tax appeals, consultation services, expert witness, feasibility studies, and other services.


Our founder Anthony A. Girasole, MAI, SRA started appraising property in the late 1960's after selling real estate for several years with his brother, Arthur.  Arthur started Girasole Realty in the 1940's and was a very successful broker and developer.  Tony traveled extensively valuing all types of real estate and interests, for many different clients.  He is now retired and enjoying his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren with his wife Betty.  His oldest son Anthony P. Girasole, MAI started in the business at a young age, has valued many different types of properties throughout New York State, and earned his reputation testifying as a recognized expert in many different courts and tribunals.  Now the third generation is taking over the reins, Sarah M. Girasole is now the President and has already had extensive experience in the valuation of residential properties, as well as other types, and is a successful businesswoman and mother. 

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